Sunday, January 16, 2011


What is with the phenomenal number of street cats in Oman?  What should one do with them?  There's no pest control service to round them up and neuter, feeding them only creates more of a problem and trying to catch them to take to the Vets (I think Muscat Vets is the only one in the city) is another mission impossible altogether.

In case anyone else is focussed on doing their bit to limit the unwanted cat population of Oman, cardboard boxes do not contain stray cats and they also serve to act as quite a warning for the cat not to come too close!  Cats are also very adept at leaping great heights, scaling trees and running fast - even on an empty stomach!

Reminds me of the story from a vet friend of mine, who used to use a blow pipe dart to knock out stray cats before taking back to his surgery for neutering!  Now where can I get one of those in City Centre...


  1. There is a lovely lady who has encouraged others to help her feed/neuter the cats in Muscat. I think there was a story about her in TheWeek. I agree though that it is a problem, people need to be a lot more considerate about these animals.


  2. I have had the pleasure of having 4 Omani street cats as Pets. 2 are now with a friend of mine and are having a wonderful time, one has now unfortunately died and the fourth is with me as I type this in Canada.. Omani street cats are simply amazingly friendly despite having such a hard life.. One of my cats came from the now destroyed Sohar Lulu's. The way I came to get him is a story on it's own! I'd encourage any expat who wants a cat to adopt one but only if they are willing to get it out of the country when they themselves leave.
